Human civilization on Earth reached its pinnacle during the age of Atlantis. Genetically speaking, we had a complex 12 Strand DNA-6 Strand RNA Physiognomy. At the end period of the Atlantean civilization between 17,500 -10,5000 years ago, with the aid of Annunaki, certain narcissistic group of Atlanteans from the Isle of Aryans, known as the Sons of Belial, experimented with abominable genetic trialing. In order to be monarchs and reign supreme over their own kind, they attempted to downgrade human genetics in order to form a docile race of people that would submit to their rule of “supremacy.” As a result, our genetic structure diminished to a “double helix” system, in which only 2 out of the 12 DNA and 1 out of 6 RNA strands would remain ‘active,’ with the rest being ‘unplugged’ or dormant. This constitutes over 97% of our genetic capabilities which are now associated with what is known as “junk” DNA. Many people, including the Atla-Ra priests of the time had already mastered a host of ‘extraordinary’ feats, which are discussed below. As our level of consciousness is expanding, these DNA/RNA traits are, once again, becoming active as it is already being seen in some new-born children, including the Indigo children. Below is a list of such advanced human capabilities with their associated brief descriptions: